August 19 Newsletter

Saint Michael Episcopal School
August 19, 2020

In This Issue
Parents' Night
New Online Health Screening
Friday Fun Day
Back 2 School Blessings...

Virtual Parents' Night - August 31st, 6:30 pm
Watch for more information to come as we get ready...

Ascend Base Camp Health
SMES is excited to introduce our new secure, online health screening tool...

Friday Fun Day for Toddlers and Twos!
Students in our Toddlers and Twos classes are invited to...

SMAA Back 2 School Drive-By Blessings
Saint Michael and All Angels welcomes you to join in this...

Health Forms due by first day of school, September 9
You can find the forms on our website under...

With You in Mind - A Summer Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Corner
"We know that kids can learn...

REMINDER - New School Start Date, September 9!
The adjusted start of school for SMES is now...

Additional Information
As mentioned in the recent SMES email communication, the implications for...

Upcoming Events
August 31 - Virtual Parents' Night
September 9 - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!

Follow us on Instagram! @smesdallas
8011 Douglas Avenue, Dallas, TX 75225, USA...

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